Let Me Break It Down For You...

Look, I've always had a crazily beautiful mess of a mind that has been thinking deeper than most adults at times. however, there would be times where, my mind would be so filled up with art and words and feelings, that i wouldn't be able to verbalise the mess that was/is my mind. i wouldn't be able to grab hold of the correct words that expressed just what it was that i was feeling. it was then that i started writing poetry before giving people the final results thought process. See, the poetry was and still is a huge part of the thought process. i was 10.
Since then, poetry has been the way in which i've been able to piece my thoughts together from my mind and paint a beautiful picture of literature in order to make sense of my beautiful mess .
Feel free to ask me questions and break down what it is you understand of the written art.
I pray it inspires you and gives you clearance of your own thoughts, maybe.
enjoy the journey. there's beauty in getting lost in art.
Me-lanin Wind .
x x x .