you live in my prayers you live in my laugh and the dimple beneath my eye when i’m overcome with extreme euphoria you are the depth from which the “ugly laugh” is dug up, but i’d never know ... you exist within my vocabulary the pool of metaphors, similes, paradoxes, contradictions, oxymorons... where all letters that swim around in nonsensical manners are ALIVE ! independent, in their own right .. but, are fished out by your inescapable force . again, i’d never know .. when the blanks were filled with invisible forevers when i begged for love my way your fluttering soul, burning heart, unmoving faith, musical steps and chanting name is what my soul yells out in the pit of that i attempt filling (silently) .. oblivious, i continue praying, begging for crooked, cemented paths to align... oblivious to how the emptiness such relentless begging would bring. (no one should have to beg for proper love , anyway) my logic silenced to the deafening, profound, simple truth : MY MAGNIFICENT SOUL WAS SETTLING . settling for a less than what Almighty has in store for me and, for those moments on my knees crying for a remedy... for my empty space... a clog for my pit of loneliness . every tear painted a picture of your face, and every sound that left my agonised mouth echoed the music that was your soul. you were standing right in front of me. still ... i remain oblivious . if i were to acknowledge the true thirst of my soul, i would antagonise a quietened roaring ... so, i sit here, tears upon my face refusing to spark a once life-bringing, art-creating fire that shines a light so bright, so nurturing... but once it falls out of grip, burns down and builds up walls much higher, tougher than before (i know it’s you always will be you) so, i remain oblivious , voiceless in knowing silence .. because of this, my soul, my heart must leave . goodbye to moya as you know her: naked... she’s crawling back into her cement garments ... waving... with blood in her eyes... bye .