- another cliché heartbreak rant .
I don't have much to say to you The tear stains on my cheeks say it all The dampness of my pillow scream the events of the night before ...

true gold .
Is there anything real In this world Anymore... Don't you dare disturb My ecstasy With your potions of empty magic . And all that glitter...

- concupscience ...
All I want Is someone to notice The crinkle on my nose Or the way I always sit As if I'm on the floor Or the way I laugh when I'm shy Or...

- conspiracy theories .
IÂ always looked to the sky At night Ever since I was little Looking up to something Always wondered if the stars really glistened Is...

- I'm no euphemism .
I am not the pretty words You find comfort in . I am not the sparkling stars; I'm the dark beautiful sky they float upon . I am...

- self-acceptance of a "mixed" girl .
Well where do I belong? Ethnicity a mixture Like the minds of the future. They don't understand me. No one understands Those who've Been...

- love me
I close my eyes And see What I'm supposed to be I'm free to Enjoy what was given to me : Me . My body and voice, Brain and thoughts....

- lonesome abandonment issues
Cry me a river Colour me a rainbow Show me that you love me. Chase those mystical promises, Those sweet whispers And secrets. Show me...

- high school
This place Of daggers-for-smiles beings. This place Of superficial standards. This place Of unsubstantiated rules And systems. This place...

- in my mind's eye
Zealous moments stimulate my soul! Zealous moments, Simple moments With you... The numerous intelligent conversations You and I share in...