< naked >
Black Blue Orange Silver They're all my friends They listen to me when I'm strained Rain . I love the rain on my thick coils When they...

My Last Broken Song
he came and he left so quickly just as fast as my heart could run he grabbed hold of pieces of myself that i’d never let go he came and...

- To Whoever’s Next (2.30am) — wasted love and contradictions of the heart .
i should’ve listened . i should’ve listened when my mom said stay away from boys . i should’ve listened . i should’ve guarded my heart...

“you’re toxic”
the one that got away i feel as though my soul has been sucked out of my being .. with every letter and every space of your resignation...

< Pep talk .>
she’s just a person who’s broken and when somebody comes along to fix it, they make the crack worsen . when you see her, she’s laughing ....

the memoir .
the rubbish dump is a memoir the richest of its kind .. in it you'll find pieces of me ..pieces i couldn't leave behind 1. in a pile of...

< healing >
As the rain poured My tears would too And even when the sky stopped My tears kept falling Pouring with every thought of you And then one...

"what walls ? "
this .. this 'This' is no coincidence . sweet stranger , how you baffle me and no longer become a stranger within a matter of hours ...

- the ghost of what could have been...
the ghost of what could have been still prances around... performing rituals of mockery in my mind's eye... as my earthly ones close she...

unsilenced .
swimming upstream for someone else's dream to save lives or dictate their future . hush up ! i just wasn't wired that way . i save with...